scientia potentia est
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Innovation entsteht durch das Teilen von Wissen
Da Innovation eine wissensintensive Aufgabe darstellt muss Innovation mit der Schaffung neuen Wissens einhergehen. Sind die notwendigen Faktoren zur Motivation der Menschen zum Austausch ihres Wissens verfügbar, wird Innovation verbessert. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Wissen und Wissensaustausch unabdingbar sind, um ein hohes Maß an Innovationsleistung zu erzielen.

Publication List
Process Automation, Process Modeling and Software Development
Bundschuh, P., Pierer, R. and Michelic, S.: Digital Transformation in Foundries: Challenges and Solutions, The WFO Technical Forum and 59th IFC Portoroz, 20. Sept. 2019.
Pierer, R, and S. Michelic: Dolly und die intelligente Stahlproduktion, ASMET-Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, 9. Mai 2019 2019.
Holzgruber H., Bundschuh P. and Mayer M.: Software for “Intellegent Steelmaking” – Solution and Development Trends, ASK 32, 1-32, (2018).
R. Pierer: Softwareentwicklung für die stahlerzeugende Industrie im Spannungsfeld der digitalen Transformation – Rahmenbedingungen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, ASMET Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Austria, May 17, (2018).
M. Mayer and R. Pierer: Reverse Software Engineering on Real-Time Models: A New Approach to Optimize Blowing Patterns for the VOD Process, Philadelphia, USA, May 07 – 10, (2018).
R. Pierer, A. Weigl and M. Mayer: In-Situ off-Gas Measurements during the Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization Process: Conclusions and Possibilities for Process Modeling and Control, AISTech Conference, Philadelphia, USA, May 07 – 10, (2018).
H. Korbel, M. Mayer, A. Scheriau, and R. Pierer: Closing the gap between enterprise resource planning systems and machine data by means of a Ti-production specific knowledge data processing software, Titanium Conference, Miami, USA, October 08 – 11, (2017).
M. Mayer, M. Pfennig, A. Weigl and R. Pierer: Challenges and Capabilities in Software Development for Fundamental-Based On- and Offline Simulation of Metallurgical Processes, 9th International Conference of Young Scientists on Welding and Related Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 23 – 26, (2017)
M. Mayer and R. Pierer: Concept of a Fundamental-Based Process Model Library for On- and Offline Simulation of Steelmaking, AISTech Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, May 08 – 11, (2017).
R. Pierer and M. Mayer: Optimization of the vacuum oxygen decarburization process by means of efficient and easy adjustable metallurgical models, AISTech Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, May 08 – 11, (2017).
R. Feiler, M. Mayer, M. Kubin and R. Pierer: Newly developed Level 2 System for the production of highly advanced materials in special melting and remelting furnaces, Medovar Memorial Symposium, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 7 – 10, (2016).
M. Mayer and R. Pierer: Modern computer applications linked with metallurgical process models to optimize the steelmaking process, AISTech Conference, Pittsburgh, May 16 – 19, (2016).
R. Pierer, M. Reimann and T. Pieper: Results of an advanced degassing model developed for the vacuum degassing units at DEW Witten, AISTech Conference, Pittsburgh, May 16 – 19, (2016).
R. Pierer: Flexible and smart software technology to control and optimize metallurgical processes, 14th International Stainless & Special Steel Summit, Vienna, Austria, October 6 -8, (2015).
P. Krajewski, S. Cecchini, S.C. Michelic and H. Rumpler: Challenges to State-of-the-Art Mould Level Control Systems and Innovative Solutions, 46th International Steelmaking Seminar at the ABM week, Rio de Janeiro, (2015).
R. Pierer and S. Michelic: INTECO’s new Process Control and Optimization System – A Tool to Dynamically Control Steelmaking with User-Defined Process Schedules, AISTech Conference, Indianapolis, May 5 – 8, (2014).
S. Michelic, R. Zirkl and S. Cecchini: Bulging – Waving – Clogging – Difficult Challenges for Automatic Mold Level Control, 8th European Continuous Casting Conference, Graz, Austria, (2014).
Metallurgical Fundamentals – Experiments, Numerical Simulation and Modeling
Penz, F. M., Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Pastucha, K., Panhofer, H. and Paul, A.: Effect of Scrap Composition on the Thermodynamics and Kinetic Modelling of BOF Converter, Proceedings of 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-JK Joint Symposium on Metallurgy, Stockholm, Schweden, 1-10, (2017).
Penz, F. M., Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Panhofer, H., Pastucha, K., and Paul, A.: Impact of Carbon, Silicon and Manganese contents on the dissolution and melting behaviour of scrap in a dynamic BOF model, Proceedings of 3rd EUROPEAN STEEL TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION DAYS 2017, Vienna, Österreich, 1-10, (2017).
Penz, F. M., Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Panhofer, H., Pastucha, K. and Maunz B.: Scrap Melting in BOF: Influence of particle surface and size during dynamic converter modelling, Proceedings of ABM week 3rd edition, PRO MAGNO – São Paulo, Brazil, 1-10, (2017).
Schnalzger, G.; Bundschuh, P., Rössler, R., Schenk, J. and Viertauer, A.: Calculation model to quantify the amount of carry-over slag from primary metallurgical aggregates, Proceedings of ISDM Conference 2017, Leoben, Austria, 1-8, (2017).
Schnalzger, G.; Bundschuh, P., Rössler, R., Schenk, J. and Viertauer, A.: Quantification of carry-over slag from primary metallurgical aggregates by means of mass balances, RHI Bulletin, 1, 1-10, (2017).
Penz, F., Bundschuh, P., Griessacher, T., and J. Schenk: Thermodynamische Modellierung der Schlackenfahrweise in der Sekundärmetallurgie, Schlacken-Symposium 2016: Kreislaufwirtschaft stabil weiter entwickeln. Max Aicher Unternehmensgruppe, 153-166, (2016).
Gerasev, A., Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Viertauer, A., Trummer, B., Arth, G. and P. Reisinger: Evaluation of the Potential for Reduction of CO2 Emissions at the Secondary Metallurgy. RHI Bulletin, 1, 28-34, (2016).
M. Riedler, S. Michelic and C. Bernhard: Formation of shrinkage porosity during solidification of steel: Numerical simulation and experimental validation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (2016).
M. Riedler, S. Michelic and C. Bernhard: Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the formation of shrinkage cavity during solidification of steel, METAL, Brno, (2016).
Bundschuh, P., and E. Cheremisina: Verknüpfung von Experimenten mit thermodynamischer und kinetischer Modellierung des LD-Prozesses, 175-Jahre Lehrstuhl für Eisen- und Stahlmetallurgie. Leoben, Austria, 1-23, (2015)
Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Sormann, A., Panhofer, H., and S. Schütt: Influence of different heat capacity functions on the thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the basic oxygen furnace, Proceedings of AISTech 2015 & ICSTI Proceedings. Association for Iron and Steel Technology. Cleveland, USA, 2090 – 2098, (2015).
P. Bundschuh: Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of BOF converter, Guest lectures at the University of Science and Technology Beijing. Beijing, China, 1-60, (2015).
Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Schütt, S., Sormann, A., and H. Panhofer: Effect of Interaction Area on the Thermodynamics and Kinetic Modelling of BOF Converter, Proceedings of The 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking. China Machine Press, 151 – 154, (2015).
G. Arth, M. Taferner, C. Bernhard and S. Michelic: Experimental and numerical investigations on cooling efficiency of Air-Mist nozzles on steel during continuous casting, Proceedings of the Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference, Leoben, Austria, (2015).
G. Arth, S. Ilie, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Hot Tearing during Continuous Casting of Steel, BHM 160, (2015), 3, pp. 103-108.
M. Riedler, S. Michelic and C. Bernhard: Formation of shrinkage porosity during solidification of steel: Numerical simulation and experimental validation, Proceedings of the Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference, Leoben, Austria, (2015).
Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Hiebler, M., Panhofer, H., Sormann, A. and G. Klösch: Dissolution behavior of CaO in BOF-process and its effect on the kinetics of metallurgical reactions, Proceedings of 4th VDEh-CSM Seminar on Metallurgical Fundamentals. Düsseldorf, Germany, 106-118, (2014).
Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Hiebler, M., Panhofer, H. and A. Sormann: Influence of CaO dissolution on the kinetics of metallurgical reactions in BOF-process, Proceedings of 7th European Oxygen steelmaking conference EOSC 2014. Třinec, Czech Republic, 89-100, (2014).
G. Arth, C. Bernhard and R. Pierer: Heißrissbildung beim Stranggießen von Stahl: Experiment, Vorhersage und Bedeutung für die Produktqualität, Stahlwerksausschuss VDEh – Fachausschuss Stranggießen, Leoben, Austria, 05 March (2014).
G. Arth, C. Bernhard, S. Ilie, T. Schaden and R. Pierer: Experimental und numerical investigations on hot tearing during continuous casting of steel, Conference Proceedings of the 8th ECCC, Graz, Austria, (2014), 1-8.
P. Krajewski, C. Bernhard, O. Kolednik, R. Krobath, R. Pierer, F. Schneller, T. Schaden and S. Ilie: Experimentelle Simulation der Oberflächenrissbildung beim Stranggießprozess mit Hilfe des IMC-Versuchs, ASMET Forums für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Austria, 12 May, (2014).
S. Griesser, M. Reid, R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and R. Dippenaar: In Situ Quantification of Micro‐Segregation that Occurs During the Solidification of Steel, Steel Research International 85, (2014), 8, 1257–1265.
S. Michelic, M. Riedler and R. Pierer: Solidification Modeling on Bloom Casters – Different Methods of Result Verification and their Application, AISTech Conference, Indianapolis, USA, (2014).
P. Krajewski, C. Bernhard, R. Pierer, F. Schneller and T. Schaden: IMC-B – ein neuer Ansatz zur Untersuchung der Oberflächenrissbildung im Stranggießprozess, BHM (2013) 3, 108-115.
P. Presoly, C. Bernhard and R. Pierer: Identification of Defect Prone Peritectic Steel Grades by Analyzing High-Temperature Phase Transformations, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44 (2013) 12, 5377-5388
C. Bernhard, G. Arth, S. Illie and S. Michelic: Hot Tear Segregations as Quality Decisive Factor for Advanced Steel Grades, 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, Hawaii, (2013). (Invited)
S. Michelic and C. Bernhard: Application of a Modified Cellular Automaton Model to Simulating Solidification-Related Phenomena in Steels, TMS 2013, San Antonio, (2013). (Invited)
S. Michelic, J.M. Thuswaldner and C. Bernhard: A Modified Cellular Automaton Method for Polydimensional Modelling of Dendritic Growth and Microsegregation in Multicomponent Alloys, MCWASP, Schladming, Austria, (2012).
S. Griesser, M. Reid, R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and R. Dippenaar: In-situ quantification of micro-segregation that occurs during the solidification of steel, 5th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, (2012), Paper 1143.
P. Krajewski, R. Pierer, C. Bernhard, T. Schaden and S. Ilie: Experimental investigations into surface crack formation under continuous casting conditions, 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, (2012), Paper 1332.
R. Pierer, W. Rauter and C. Bernhard: The importance of solidification structure with respect to hot tearing during continuous casting of steels, TMS 2012 Anual Meeting, Orlando, USA, 11-15 March, (2012).
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Identification of defect prone peritectic steel grades by analyzing the high temperature phase transformations, TMS 2012 Anual Meeting, Orlando, USA, 11-15 March, (2012).
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: A numerical solidification model at the interface between laboratory experiments and the continuous casting process, AISTech Conference, Atlanta, USA, May 7-10, (2012).
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Linking up of HTLSCM- and DSC-measurements to characterise phase diagrams of steels, Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Schladming, Austria, 17-22 June, (2012).
S. Griesser, R. Pierer, M. Reid and R. Dippenaar: SolTrack: An automatic video processing software for in situ interface tracking, Journal of Microscopy 248, (2012), 1, 42–48.
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Linking up of HT-LSCM and DSC measurements to characterize phase diagrams of steels, MCWASP XIII, Schladming, Austria, 17. June (2012).
S. Michelic, C. Bernhard, W. Rauter, M. Erker, W. Brandl, J. Reiter and A. Sormann: Development, Implementation and Verification of a Transient Numeric Solidification Model of a Continuous Bloom Caster at voestalpine Stahl Donawitz, 7th European Continuous Casting Conference, Düsseldorf, 2011, 1–10.
R. Pierer: Experimentelle und numerische Simulation der Fehlerbildung beim Stranggießen von Stahl: Überblick über die Aktivitäten am Lehrstuhl für Metallurgie, VDEh Ausschuss für metallurgische Grundlagen, Leoben, Austria, 14. July, (2011).
R. Pierer, S. Griesser, M. Hadler and C. Bernhard: Quantification of the solidification structure of steels using a newly developed digital image processing software, EUROMAT – Eurpean Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France, 12. September, (2011).
S. Griesser, R. Pierer and R. Dippenaar: A Sample Geometry Benchmark for Peritectic Solidification in High-Temperature Laser- Scanning Confocal Microscopy, EUROMAT – Eurpean Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France, 12. September, (2011).
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Verifizierung von ThermoCalc und FactSage Ergebnissen mittels DSC-Messungen, VDEh – Ausschuss für metallurgische Grundlagen, Fachausschüsse für physikalische Chemie und metallurgische Verfahrensentwicklung, Düsseldorf, Germany, 20 October, (2011).
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Charakterisierung peritektischer Stähle mittels DSC, Metallkunde Kolloquium, Lech am Arlberg, Asutria, 10. April, (2011).
F. Schneller, R. Pierer, P. Krajewski and C. Bernhard: Herstellung von direkt aus der Schmelze erstarrten Biegeproben, Internationalen Studententag der Metallurgie, Leoben, Asutria, 17. March (2011).
R. Pierer, C. Bernhard, S. Schider, S. Griesser, M. Reid and R. Dippenaar: Untersuchung der Hochtemperaturphasenumwandlungen mit Hilfe des Hochtemperatur Laser Scanning Confocal Mikroskops, Metallkunde Kolloquium, Lech am Arlberg, Austria, 11. April, (2011).
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: The importance of microsegregation in modeling the continuous casting process, Thermodynamic Equilibria and Simulation of the Continuous Casting Process, Linz, Austria, 07. April, (2011).
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: High temperature phase transformation of high Si and Al steels – First results of DSC measurements and comparison with commercial thermodynamic databases, K1-MET Workshop on Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Simulation of Continuous Casting Process, voestalpine Stahl Linz, Austria, 07. April, (2011).
R. Pierer, M. Hanel, T. Schaden and C. Bernhard: Investigation of defect formation during the initial solidification of Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Cr alloys, Third International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP 3), Rolduc Abbey, June, (2011).
M. Rowan, B. Thomas, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Measuring mechanical behavior of steel during solidification: Modeling the SSCC test, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 42, (2011), 4, 837-851
P. Presoly, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Experimental methods to characterise new steel grades by means of thermal analysis, Third International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP 3), Rolduc Abbey, Netherlands, 07. June (2011).
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Die Besonderheiten der Fehlerbildung im Zweiphasengebiet fest/flüssig beim Stranggießen von Stahl, Hot Cracking Workshop, Graz, Austria, 14. December, (2010).
RICHARD J. FRUEHAN AWARD: R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: The nature of internal defects in continuously cast steel and their impact on final product quality, AISTech Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, May 3-6, (2010).
S. Michelic, J.M. Thuswaldner and C. Bernhard: Polydimensional modelling of dendritic growth and microsegregation in multicomponent alloys, Acta Materialia 58 (2010), pp. 2738-2751.
J. Reiter, R. Pierer, S. Ilie, H. Preßlinger, J. Fluch and C. Bernhard: Über die Bildung von Heißrissseigerungen in Stahl: Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Stranggussbrammen und Laborversuchsproben, BHM 155 (2010), 3, 1-7.
S. Griesser, P. O’Leary P. and R. Pierer: Determination of primary grain boundaries in metallurgical micrographs via discontinuities in the dendrite orientation, Journal of Electronic Imaging (2010).
P. Presoly and R. Pierer: Experimental characterisation of new peritectic steel grades, Junior EuroMat, Lausanne, Schweiz, 26. July, (2010).
P. Krajewski and R. Pierer: Experimental simulation of crack formation of steels in the temperature range of second ductility through, Junior EuroMat, Lausanne, Schweiz, 26. July, (2010).
S. Michelic, C. Bernhard, W. Rauter, M. Erker and A. Sormann: Modelling Solidification in Continuous Casting: Algorithms and Boundary Conditions, 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking Steelsim 2009, Leoben, A, (2009), 1–8.
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Hot tearing in continuous casting of steel: mechanisms and influence on the final product, Damage in Processing and Service: Mechanisms and Modelling, Leoben, Austria, 18. November, (2009).
S. Griesser, P. O’Leary abnd R. Pierer: Automatic determination of primary grain size using dendrites orientation in metallurgical micrographs, 9th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Wels, Austria, May 27-29, (2009).
R. Pierer, S. Griesser, J. Reiter and C. Bernhard: Über die Bildung von Heißrissseigerungen in Stahl: Metallographische Analyse und Charakterisierung, BHM 154 (2009), 7, 346-353.
P. Presoly and R. Pierer: Characterisation of phase transformation and damage during the solidification of steel, Poster presented at Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, 11.05.2009.
S. Griesser, P. O’Leary, S. Stangl and R. Pierer: AS2A Software – A new tool for Automatic Solidification Structure Analysis, Poster presented at Internationale Metallographie-Tagung, Aachen, 16.09.2009.
J. Reiter, S. Ilie, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Primärstruktur und erstarrungsbedingten Fehlern am Beispiel der Heißrissbildung beim Stranggießen, Internationale Metallographie-Tagung, Jena, Germany, (2008), 185-190.
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: On the Influence of Carbon on Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing in Steel, Journal of Material Science 43 (2008), 21, 6938-6943.
R. Pierer, J. Reiter, S. Griesser and C. Bernhard: On the phenomenon of the formation of segregated hot tears, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP-2), Seggau, Austria, 17. June, (2008).
W. Rauter, M. Erker, W. Brandl, S. Michelic and C. Bernhard: Heat Transfer in a Round CC Mould: Measurement, Modelling and Validation, 6th European Continuous Casting Conference, Riccione, I, (2008), Paper No. 30.
R. Pierer S. Michelic, C. Bernhard and C. Chimani: A hot tearing criterion for the continuous casting process, 3rd International Steel Conference on New Developments in Metallurgical Process Technologies, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 11-15, (2007), 893-900.
C. Bernhard R. Pierer, A. Tubikanec and C. Chimani: Experimental simulation of defect formation in the continuous casting process, SMEA Conference and Exhibition, University of Sheffield, UK, July 04-05, (2007).
C. Bernhard and R. Pierer: A new hot tearing criterion for the continuous casting process, 5th Decennial International Conference on Solification Processing, Sheffield, UK, July 23-25, (2007), 525-530.
J. Reiter, R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and S. Ilie: The role of tramp elements in hot tearing of steels in the continuous casting process, EuroMAT, Nürnberg, Germany, September 10-13, (2007).
M. Brombauer, J. Reiter and R. Pierer: Einfluss von Spurenelementen auf die Heißrissbildung beim Stranggießen von Stahl, 14th International Students Day of Metallurgy, Clausthal, Germany, March 22-24, (2007), 22-27.
S. Michelic: Evaluation of Solution Algorithms for Modelling Solidification Processes, Euromat, Lausanne, (2008).
S. Michelic, C. Bernhard and R. Pierer: Numeric Modelling of the Heat Transfer in the Continuous Casting Mould, 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking Steelsim, Graz/Seggau, A, (2007), 209–215.
R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and C. Chimani: A contribution to hot tearing in the continuous casting process, Revue de Metallurgie – CIT (2007), 2, 72-83.
R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: High temperature behavior during solidification of peritectic steels under continuous casting conditions, Materials Science & Technology (MS&T ’06) Conference and Exihibition, Cincinnati, USA, October, (2006), 793-803.
R. Pierer, C. Bernhard C. and C. Chimani: A Contribution to hot tearing in the continuous casting process, International ATS Stelmaking Conference, Paris, France, December 14-15, (2006), 48-49.
G. Gigacher, R. Pierer, J. Wiener and C. Bernhard: Metallurgical aspects of casting high managanese steels, Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (2006), 1096-1100.
R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and C. Chimani: Experimental and analytical analysis of high-temperature mechanical properties of steel under continuous casting conditions, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XII (CMEM), Malta, June 20-22, (2005), 757-768.
G. Gigacher, R. Pierer and C. Bernhard: High temperature properties and crack susceptibility of new steels for automotive purposes, Materials Characterisation, Portland, USA, (2005), 163-173.
J. Reiter and R. Pierer: Thermo-mechanical simulation of a laboratory test to determine mechanical properties of steel near the solidus temperature, FEMLAB Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, (2005), 247-253.
R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and C. Chimani: Evaluation of common constitutive equations for solidifying steel, BHM 150 (2005), 163-169
C. Bernhard R. Pierer A. Tubikanec and C. Chimani: Experimental characterization of crack sensitivity under continuous casting conditions, Proceedings of the CCR’04 – Continuous Casting and Hot Rolling Conference, Linz, Austria, June 14-15, (2004), Paper No. 6.3.
R. Pierer C. Bernhard and C. Chimani: Gängige Heißrissbildungskriterien und experimentelle Validierung, BHM 149 (2004), 95-101.
Metallurgical Processes and New Metallurgical Developments
Bundschuh P., Partyka A. and C. Redl: Boosting EAF Performance – Examples of Achievable results with Focus on Chemical Energy and Scrap Preheating Technologies, 2nd International industrial conference EAF Steel Production: Technology, Equipment, Materials, (2018), 1-29.
Holzgruber H., P. Bundschuh, R. Gottardi, A. Partyka and C. Redl: Next Generation of Stainless and High Alloy Steel EAF – An Overview on commercial and technical Aspects, SMR – Asian Stainless Steel Forum, 1-45, (2018).
P. Krajewski, S. Michelic, M. Riedler and H. Holzgruber: Segment Casting-an attractive alternative to ingot casting, 2nd Medovar Memorial Symposium, Kiev, (2016).
S. Griesser, S. Michelic, C. Feist and R. Pierer: Development of Design Criteria for a Bloom Continuous Caster via Numerical Assessment of Strand Solidification and Mechanical Soft Reduction, AISTech Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, (2016).
Krajewski, P., S.C. Michelic: New Technologies in the Continuous Casting Process, VII Continuous Casting of Steel Conference COS2016, Krynica, Poland, (2016).
S. Michelic and M. Riedler: Production of Jumbo Blooms by Semi-Continuous Casting: Challenges, Feasibility and Future Potential, Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, Vol. 161, 39-43.
Kollmann, T., Bundschuh, P., Samm, V., Schenk, J., and M. Kirschen: Gas Purging Benefits in the BOF: A Focus on Material Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction, Proceedings of 2nd European Steel Technology and Application Days ESTAD. Düsseldorf, 1-7, (2015).
Bundschuh, P. and J. Schenk: CHALLENGES AND LIMITING FACTOS FOR THE RECYCLING OF STEEL SCRAP IN EUROPE, Proceedings of J. Lederer, D. Laner, H. Rechberger, & J. Fellner (Hrsg.), MINING THE TECHNOSPHERE: “Drivers and Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities”. (1 Aufl., Band 1, 131-135, (2015).
Kollmann, T., Bundschuh, P., Schenk, J., Samm, V., and M. Kirschen: Gas Purging Benefits in the BOF: A Focus on Material Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction, Proceedings of AISTech 2015 & ICSTI Proceedings. Association for Iron and Steel Technology. Cleveland, USA, 2031 – 2040, (2015).
Kollmann, T., Bundschuh, P., Samm, V., Schenk, J., and J. Kirschen: Gas Purging Benefits in the BOF: A Focus on Material Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction, RHI Bulletin, 1, 37-42, (2015).
R. Pierer, U. Jendryssek and U. De Fries: Metallurgical processing of stainless and special steels in the 21st century, 8th European Stainless Steel Conference 2015 – Science and Market and the Duplex Steel Conference & Exhibition, Graz, Austria, 28-30 April, (2015).
R. Pierer, U. Jendryssek and U. De Fries: Assets and Drawbacks of the Metallurgical Processing of Stainless Steels Regarding the Argon and Vacuum Decarburization Process, AISTech Conference, 4–7 May, Cleveland, OH, USA, (2015).
S. Michelic and M. Riedler: Production of Jumbo Blooms by Semi-Continuous Casting: Challenges, Feasibility and Future Potential, Proceedings of the Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference, Leoben, Austria, (2015).
S. Michelic: Latest Trends and Developments for Casting Quality Steels by Non-Standard Casting Processes, 2nd ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days), Düsseldorf, Germany, (2015).
S. Michelic, N. Bormann and H. Rumpler: How Can We Increase The Cast Format Without Changing The Continuous Casting Machine’s Radius? Proceedings of the 8th European Continuous Casting Conference, Graz, Austria, (2014).
S. Michelic, R. Zirkl and S. Cecchini: The Effect of Different Oscillation Modes on Clogging Behavior of Stopper rod and SEN, AISTech Conference, Indianapolis, USA, (2014).
H. Holzgruber, A. Scheriau, M. Knabl, M. Kubin, J. Korp and R. Pierer: Investigation of the implications of the current conductive mold technology with respect to the internal and surface quality of ESR ingots, International Symposium On Liquid Metal Processing Aad Casting, Nancy, France, (2011), 57-64.
M. Kubin, J. Korp and R. Pierer: Pool Profile Formation and Homogeneity of Remelted Ingots using the Electroslag Current Conductive Mold Technology, Third International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP 3), Rolduc Abbey, Netherlands, 07. June (2011)
S. Ilie, P. Reisinger, R. Pierer ans C. Bernhard: The formation of hot tear segregations in the continuous casting process, Deutsch-Chinesisches Seminar, Peking, China, (2011).
S. Michelic, C. Bernhard, W. Rauter and A. Sormann: On the Interrelation of Heat Withdrawal and Crack Formation in the Continuous Casting Mould, ICASP-2 – 2nd International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes, Graz/Seggau, A, (2008).
Meder Kamalov, Hanspeter Kählig, Christian Rentenberger, Alexander R.M. Müllner, Herwig Peterlik and Christian F. W. Becker: Ovalbumin Epitope SIINFEKL Self-Assembles into a Supramolecular Hydrogel, Scientific Reports, 2019, Vol. 9, No. 1.
Giorgia Del Favero, Friedrich Bialas, Stephanie Grabher, Anja Wittig, Birgit Bräuer, Dagmar Gerthsen, Cécile Echalier, Meder Kamalov, Doris Marko and Christian F. W. Becker: Silica particles with a quercetin-R5 peptide conjugate are taken up into H-29 cells and translocate into the nucleus, Chemical Communications, 2019, Vol. 65.
Meder Kamalov and Patrick D. Capel and Christian Rentenberger and Alexander R. M. Müllner and Herwig Peterlik and Christian F. W. Becker: Silaffin-Inspired Peptide Assemblies Template Silica Particles with Variable Morphologies, ChemNanoMat , 2018, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 1209-1213.
Meder Kamalov, Alma Hajradini, Christian Rentenberger and Christian F.W. Becker: N-terminal residues of silaffin peptides impact morphology of biomimetic silica particles, Materials Letters, 2018, Vol. 212, pp. 1174-117.
Conibear AC, Schmid A, Kamalov M, Becker CFW and Bello C Recent: Advances in Peptide-Based Approaches for Cancer Treatment, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 11, 2017.
De Leon-Rodriguez, L.M., Kamalov, M., Hemar, Y., Mitra, A.K., Castelletto, V., Hermida-Merino, D., Hamley, I.W. and Brimble, M.A.: A peptide hydrogel derived from a fragment of human cardiac troponin C, Chemical Communications, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 21, pp. 4056-4059.
Kaur, H., Kamalov, M. and Brimble, M.A.: Chemical Synthesis of Peptides Containing Site-Specific Advanced Glycation Endproducts, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2016, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 2199-2208.
Kamalov, M., Kaur, H. and Brimble, M.A.: Intermolecular Peptide Cross-Linking by Using Diaminodicarboxylic Acids, Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp, 3622-3631.
Sidgwick, G. P., Walling, P., Shabbir, A., Weston, R., Schiro, A., Serracino-Inglott, F., Jones, A. M., Kamalov, M., Brimble, M. A., Wilkinson, F. L. and Alexander, M. Y.: Strategies for inhibiting advanced glycation endproduct (AEG) induced vascular calcification in a smooth muscle cell culture model, Heart, 2016, Vol. 102, pp. A132.
Brings, S., Zhang, S., Choong, Y.S., Hogl, S., Middleditch, M., Kamalov, M., Brimble, M.A., Gong, D. and Cooper, G.J.S.: Diabetes-induced alterations in tissue collagen and carboxymethyllysine in rat kidneys: Association with increased collagen-degrading proteinases and amelioration by Cu(II)-selective chelation, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2015, Vol. 1852, No. 8, pp. 1610-1618.
Kamalov, M., Harris, P.W.R., Wood, J.M. and Brimble, M.A: On resin synthesis and cross-linking of collagen peptides containing the advanced glycation end-product pyrraline via Maillard condensation, Chemical Communications, 2015, Vol. 51, No. 46, pp. 9475-9478.
Kamalov, M., Harris, P.W.R., Hartinger, C.G., Miskelly, G.M., Cooper, G.J.S. and Brimble, M.A.: Physicochemical studies on the copper(ii) binding by glycated collagen telopeptides, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015},Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 3058-3063.
Kamalov, M.,Yang, S., Harris, P.W.R., Cooper, G.J.S. and Brimble, M.A.: Expedient synthesis of peptides containing Nε- carboxymethyllysine, Synlett, 2014, Vol 25, No. 13 pp. 1835-1838.
Kamalov, M., Harris, P. W. R., Cooper, G. J. S. and Brimble, M. A.: Site-specific cross-linking of collagen peptides by lysyl advanced glycation endproducts, Chemical Communications, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 38, pp. 4944-4946.
Woods, Tom M., Kamalov, Meder, Harris, Paul W. R., Cooper, Garth J. S. and Brimble, Margaret: Synthesis of Monolysyl Advanced Glycation Endproducts and Their Incorporation into Collagen Model Peptides, Organic Letters, 2012, Vol. 14, No. 22, pp. 5740-5743.