metallurgical know-how

Our production-proven experts are familiar with the latest melting and casting technologies and know how to transfer experience and implement solutions.

Metallurgical Consulting

Increase efficiency with know-how transfer

Steel is the most important industrial production material and is key to all industries. In the automotive industry, the steel share is around 15 %, in mechanical engineering it lies at roughly 20-25 % and in industrial SMEs its market share is almost 50 %. The steel industry is a knowledge-intensive high-tech sector that forms the basis of the industrial value chain and enables innovation in other sectors, making an indispensable contribution to growth and prosperity. Nevertheless, the creation of sustainable resource and energy efficiency in steel production faces major challenges.

We help the metals industry master this challenge. Based on many years of practical experience in the areas of consulting, our goal is always the optimization of processes and product quality and their efficient implementation.

What we cover

Our technological expertise covers integrated steelmaking, as well as electric steelmaking, with a special emphasis on the production of quality steels, stainless steels and high-alloyed grades. Our consulting experts all have previous experience at internationally renowned production units. The technological services from qoncept focus on diagnostic fact-finding and know-how transfer missions to assist our customers in the optimization of production in the melt shop.

When to contact us

The processing of liquid steel requires continuous adjustment and improvement of the entire production route. Steel treatment covers a broad range of processing, such as de­oxidizing, de­gassing, de­sulphurization, de­carburization to ultra­low carbon content, alloying in tight specification ranges, improvement of steel cleanliness by separation or modification of non­metallic inclusions, as well as homogenization of composition and temperature. Our experts know exactly how to improve all of these metallurgical processes and strongly focus on the following key areas:

  • Reduction of non-metallic inclusions (NMIs)
  • Improved control of oxygen activity and ultimately total oxygen content
  • Optimized desulfurization to achieve the lowest sulfur content
  • Better understanding and optimization of slag metallurgy
  • [Al] control and adjustment
  • Optimum alloying strategies
  • Optimization of casting processes and technology

Let's improve metallurgical processes together